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Knowledge Content Library

Decision Analysis = Decision Engineering
DA Fundamentals Series | Jim Matheson

A Scientific Approach to Entrepreneurial Decision Making
Arnaldo Camuffo, 2024 SDP Webinar (Invited Talk)

A Tale of Two Cities
Becky Watson and Jennifer Harrington, 2021 SDP Webinar (Invited Talk)

How Software Enables High-Quality Decision Conversations
Somik Raha, SmartOrg, 2017 SDP Sponsor Webinar

Making Music: A Thousand Tiny Decisions
Beth Outland, Indianapolis Symphony Orchestra, 2017 SDP Webinar (Invited Talk)

Turning Water into Wine: Decision Analysis Applied to Water Issues in the Heart of Napa
Timothy Nieman, 2015 SDP Webinar (Invited Talk)

Embedded Decision Analysis
David Matheson, 2013 SDP Webinar (Invited Talk)

DA as a Natural Act
Rob Kleinbaum, 2012 SDP Webinar (Invited Talk)

Case Study: Self-Serve, Multi-Use Decision Frameworks: A Case Study Exemplifying the Top 5 Techniques
Case Study by Tyler Ludlow, Decision Skills Institute at 2019 DAAG Conference in Denver. This presentation will demonstrate the top 5 techniques for developing self-serve, multi-use decision frameworks by presenting the case of a pharmaceutical company looking to improve their quality assessment process of third-party contractors.

Embedded versus Consultative Decision Analysis
This is a writeup for the session "Embedded Decision Analysis" chaired by David Matheson at DAAG 2014 in Boston. Date of Session: Mar 27, 2014. Session No: 2.

What does Decision Analytics mean for Decision Analysts?
This is the summary of a session co-chaired by Somik Raha and Jack Kloeber DAAG 2013, Austin, Texas. Date of Session: Apr 12, 2013. Session No: 5.

Decision Analysis Without Jargon or Models or DA as a Natural Act
Presented by Rob Kleinbaum (RAK) at 2012 DAAG Conference in Chicago. Applications of decision analysis in which monetization and jargon were deliberately avoided. These interactions were intentionally designed to help decision makers gain clarity of action through a quality decision process without monetary rollbacks, NPVs or fancy, highfalutin, special language.

Integrating Decision Analysis into Other Business Processes
Presented by Bruce Collet (Petrous) at 2001 DAAG Conference in Houston. Discussion of strategy development and execution through integration of decision analysis with other business processes.

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