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How Software Enables High-Quality Decision Conversations

Somik Raha, SamrtOrg
Sep 20, 2017 (SDP Sponsor Webinar)

SmartOrg has been embedding Decision Analysis in organizational decision-making for over seventeen years. Customers use SmartOrg to build capability that aligns finance and innovation to overcome conflict and drive breakthrough growth. SmartOrg’s process allows the two sides to have a constructive and transparent decision conversation that embeds Decision Analysis, and SmartOrg’s Rangal platform scales this process on the cloud, allowing organizations to make great decisions not just in one project but in thousands of them.

SmartOrg’s Rangal platform allows Decision Analysts to start with extremely simple Decision models in Excel and turn it quickly into an enterprise web application without writing any programming code. The application handles major IT requirements around system security, user administration, role security, standardized user interfaces, etc. Important DA artifacts like Tornado charts, Innovation Screens, CFO Charts, etc. that used to be programmed in Excel are now built into the platform. The platform is 100% API-driven, thus allowing customized user experiences to be built by the community.

In this talk, Dr. Somik Raha will demonstrate how Decision Analysts can use the Rangal platform and SmartOrg’s well-documented templating technology to convert simple Excel models into scalable portfolio web applications. Dr. Raha will also explore what this means for the Decision Analyst community. Internal consultants can use this technology to leapfrog adoption of DA in their organizations and deliver solutions that embed DA. External consultants can offer decision models to an expanding ecosystem of customers without overwhelming them or revealing their source code. This is a great opportunity for the DA community to approach scale and standardization through an already familiar tool – Excel.

Click on the file below to hear a sample of the presentation.  

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SDP membership is not required for access to Sponsor webinars.

Keywords: Analysis and modeling anamod, modeling modtree, embedded da embedda, organizational capability orgcap, portfolio decision analysis portda, tornado chart torncht

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