Speaker: Tyler Ludlow, Decision Skills Institute
Presented at the 2019 DAAG Conference in Denver. Case Study Session
Abstract: Is there a middle ground between one-off projects facilitated by full-time decision professionals and embedded DA systems used by everyday employees? Yes! And the benefits include the best of both worlds. Self-serve, multi-use decision frameworks can be created at a fraction of the cost of embedded systems, while delivering value over and over again as non-DA employees utilize them.
This presentation will demonstrate the top 5 techniques for developing self-serve, multi-use decision frameworks by presenting the case of a pharmaceutical company looking to improve their quality assessment process of third-party contractors. Their previous process was taking way too long and senior management had had enough. A 6-sigma consultant had delivered a change proposal that one senior manager said, "made me want to throw-up all over it.” A tailored decision framework was developed that employees used on their own to assess 150-200 third parties each year. What was taking 4-6mo started being completed in days, all while maintaining an acceptable risk exposure. It changed the reputation and culture of the department and employees became partners instead of roadblocks. All this while hundreds of people were exposed to and practiced good DA!
Keywords: embedded da embedda, organziational capability orgcap