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DAAG 2019

DAAG 2019, Denver, March 5-8


25 Years of DAAG
- Tom Spradlin, David Skinner, John Palmer, Ellen Coopersmith

Keynote Presentation: AI is Decision-Making at Scale
- Cassie Kozyrkov, Google 

Panel Session 1: Bringing out the Data Scientist in the Decision Analyst
- Brad Powley, Salesforce; Isaac Faber, MatrixDS; Dennis Buede, Innovative Decisions; David Blum, Next Tier Concepts; Stephen Malinak, TruValue Labs

Panel Session 2: Bringing out the Decision Scientist in the Data Analyst
- Brad Powley, Salesforce; John Mark Agosta, Microsoft; Zahit Guneri, MZG Data; Aaron Schaffrina, Chevron; John Busbice, Keen Decision Systems

Lunch and Fireside Chat: Decision Analysis and Data Science in Pricing
- Thomas Seyller, Google

Panel Session 3: Building Data Products
- Ram Rampalli, Walmart; Stephen Malinak, TruValue Labs; Wenhao Liu, Salesforce; Suhui Chen, SmartOrg

Panel Session 4: Data Science and Decision Analysis in Venture Investing
- Kemal Anbarci, Chevron; Clint Korver, Ulu Ventures; Tom Kehler, CrowdSmart; Victor Koosh, Investor and Entrepreneur

Panel Session 5: Decision Quality and Data in Entrepreneurship and Leadership
- Victor Koosh, Investor and Entrepreneur; Clint Korver, Ulu Ventures; Carl Spetzler, SDG; Jim Driscoll, Intel

Panel Session 6: Data Science+Decision Analysis in Financial Innovation
- Tom Keelin, SmartOrg; Stephen Malinak, TruValue Labs; Sheldon Bernard, A440 Management

Keynote Presentation: Humans and Technology, Love and Hate
- Humans and Technology, Love and Hate – Michael Norton, Harvard Business School

Life Sciences Mini-Conference

Energy Mini-Conference

Hi-Tech Mini-Conference

DAS/SDP Award Talk: Modeling the Value of Agents in Supply Chains of Malaria Rapid Diagnostic Test Kits with Decision Analysis
- Gilberto Montibeller, Loughborough University, England, United Kingdom (joint work with Corinne Carland and Jarrod Goentzel, MIT, Cambridge, MA, USA)

Raiffa-Howard Award Talk: China Mobile
- Presented by Jim Driscoll

Frontiers of DA Talk:
- Tom Keelin, SmartOrg

Session: Sharing DA/DQ/DS* in Front of Teens or Behind the Scenes
- Amy Day, Clarity4Action; Tyler Ludlow, Decision Skills Institute

Session: The Metalog Distributions: Flexible, Easy-to-Use, Probability Distributions for Use in Decision Analysis, Modelling, Simulation, and Learning from Empirical Data
- Tom Keelin, SmartOrg

Tech / Case Study Session

Tech / Case Study Session

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