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London Chapter


Upcoming Events 

Date Topic Location RSVP
July 13, 2021


15:00 UK time

The meeting agent will include

  1. Introduction of New Officers
  2. Overview of SDP and Support for Chapters
  3. Feedback on DAAG 2021
  4. Chapter Discussion on Year Ahead
To view the full agenda Click HERE


Online Zoom Presentation

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May 4, 2021


16:00 – 16:30 UK time

10:00 - 10:30 am CDT

The Coming Energy Transition: Value Metrics and the Social Cost of Carbon.
Speaker: Eric Bickel, Professor and Director of the Graduate Program in Operations Research & Industrial Engineering at The University of Texas at Austin.

Energy companies have no shortage of strategic alternatives to consider in the coming transition away from fossil fuels and toward renewables. Investments can be made in solar, natural gas, carbon capture, methane reduction, or biofuels to name a few. In this changing energy landscape, new value measures have emerged as well. Should companies focus on carbon intensity (gCO3e/MJ) or their absolute emissions (CO3e)? How should NPV and other economic value measures be weighted relative to environmental value measures?

Likewise, carbon pricing is likely to take on growing significance in the coming decade as investors, consumers, and regulators increasingly require business leaders to incorporate the cost of carbon into their decision making. Less clear is the appropriate price to place on carbon.

In this presentation, we will discuss how different value metrics can shape energy transition strategies. This includes placing a cost on carbon. We will show how the tools of decision analysis are particularly useful in understanding drivers of the social cost of carbon and the uncertainty associated with this estimate.

Online Zoom Presentation

 March 3, 2021

Achieving DQ in an Agile Work Process.


  • Colin McGill – recently retired Project Director and DA champion at bp
  • Carl Spetzler – Chairman of SDG (Strategic Decisions Group) 
  • Han Schaminee - Agile consultant and formerly SVP at TomTom
  • Mike Benefiel – Head of DA for Chevron in UK 
  • Basil Allam – Deputy GM on Chevron’s Tengiz project


Click Here to view replay of the presentation

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