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DAAG 2012

DAAG 2012, Chicago, May 8-10

The full program is not available. Archived talks are listed in alphabetical order.


- DA Implementation Planning - Breakout Results - Ellen Coopersmith
- Decision Analysis Without Jargon or Models or DA as a Natural Act - Rob Kleinbaum
- Everything We Know is Wrong - Patrick Leach
- Leaping the Chasm of Complexity - Jim Weller
- Processes and Tools of Portfolio Management: A Baxter Case Study - Phil Beccue and Jerry Ruhland
- Project Portfolio Management Best Practices, Summary of Results - Michael Menke
- Rethinking Decision Analysis - Greg Parnell
- Should you create project level alternatives in portfolios? - Jeffrey Kiesler
- The use of decision analysis for Phase 2 and Phase 3 drug development decisions - Elayne Ko and Charles Persinger

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