The full program is not available. Archived talks are listed in alphabetical order.
- Are you ready for the MODA of all portfolio prioritization approaches or is SODA still appropriate? - Jeff Stonebreaker
- Benevolent Subversion - a classic misapplication of DA - Andrew Burton
- Circular Decision Trees - Robert Bordley
- Decision Analysis and Value Engineering - Decision Strategies
- Five Essential Keys to Successful Portfolio Management - Stuart Harris
- Generating Actionable Strategic Alternatives - Rick Bayney
- How to Do Absolutely Everything Wrong and Then Fix It
- Implementation of Decision Analysis at Novartis - Novartis
- Implementation of Decision Analysis at Texaco - Dewey McLemore
- Incremental Value Assessment: A DA Based Approach - Bell Canada
- Integrating Decision Analysis into Other Business Processes - Bruce Collet
- Is Price an Uncertainty or a Decision - Eastman Kodak
- Misapplications of Decision Analysis - Hugh Taylor
- Reliability and D and RA - Conoco
- The Integration of D and RA and Project Development-Management - Conoco
- Value of Information Misapplied - Phil Kerig and Brent Weber