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The Road to Decision Quality 

Scott Bartsch - Nexen, Inc., Key Note Speaker at DAAG 2013
August 21, 2013 (SDP Webinar - Invited Talk)

We know the impact decision making has on the success – and failure - of our organizations.  The goal is clear: a culture where timely, rigorous, transparent and actionable decisions are made by the right people. Consistently. As it turns out, affecting sustainable organizational change around decision quality is challenging: executive support, competing priorities, alignment with other business processes and entrenched cultural norms can get in the way. Drawing from project and change management fundamentals, organizational behavior and the lessons from other disciplines and industries, we have developed a maturity model that sets long term vision, short term targets and a framework to map the journey. If you’re stalled on the road to improved decision making in your organization – or afraid of the on-ramp – this may be the catalyst to get behind the wheel.

Click on the file below to hear a sample of the presentation.  

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Keywords: organizational capability orgcap, culture cultr, organizational structure, decision quality decqual, implementation of da implda

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