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Life Cycle Management as a Portfolio: A Case History

Presenter: D. Charlesworth, Decision Strategies

Presented at the 2003 DAAG Conference in Houston, Texas.

Abstract:  A combination of portfolio analysis and project tools were successfully used with a multi-discipline team to quickly develop a life cycle management strategy for a recently launched compound. Actual numbers, charts, and graphs will be presented (with the names and numbers appropriately disguised to protect all perpetrators). Framing, modeling, analysis, results, and DRB management will be discussed in detail. By using portfolio analysis tools, the team was able to quickly and rationally prioritize a plethora of potential opportunities and present a coherent story to management. Several innovations and improvisations during the course of the project will be of interest to the decision analysis practitioner.

Keywords: objectives hierarchy objhier, strategy table strattab, tornado chart torncht, decision hierarchy dechier, framing tools framtool, sensitivity analysis sensanal, portfolio decision analysis portda, cdf

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