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Learning From Our Decisions 

Presented by Vince Barabba – Co-Founder of Market Research and SDP Fellow 
(SDP Webinar - Invited Talk)

There is more value in a well developed decision than just making it. Today we face a world of increased customer and market diversity, with significantly increased data available to customers and competitors alike. Given these conditions, in addition to making decisions, we must also put in place a process to learn from them.

In this webinar, speaker Vince Barabba sketches an "idealized design” for creating a learning approach to decision making. He describes it as a "The Decision Loom" capable of weaving together threads of information and technology into a knowledge tapestry.

Click on the file below to hear a sample of the presentation.  

Click here for access to the full video, audio file, and pdf.

SDP membership is required for full access to this and all other archived webinars.

Keywords: project execution projexec, organizational capability orgcap, learning organization, analytics bigdata, lookback, implementation of da implda

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