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Decision Quality – The Next Wave

 Presented by: Carl Spetzler, SDP Fellow 
(SDP Webinar - Invited Talk)

This is an exciting time to be a decision professional. We are entering a new stage in the development of our profession. The success story provided by Chevron’s organizational adoption of decision quality (DQ) and the evidence of benefit-to-cost ratios of a thousand-to-one are creating the basis for a huge wave of adoption of DQ. Carl will present the case for his belief and what it will take for decision professionals to rise to the challenge.

Click on the file below to hear a sample of the presentation.  

Click here for access to the full video and pdf.

SDP membership is required for full access to this and all other archived webinars.

Keywords: organizational capability orgcap, decision quality decqual, organizational structure, organizational challenges, value of da valueda, implementation of da implda

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