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Virtual Decision-Modelling Workshops for Creating the Future

Larry Phillips, Prof. Emeritus, London School of Economics, and Director, Facilitations Ltd.
Patrick Sharry, AGSM Fellow, Business School, UNSW, Australia.
Paul Gordon, CEO and Technical Director, Catalyze Asia Pacific.
Edward Poot, Director New Zealand, Catalyze Asia Pacific.
February 10, 2021 (Joint SDP/DAS Invited Talk)

The aim of this Webinar is to describe how a group of experts can work collaboratively and virtually on contentious issues to create a decision-analytic model that will help individuals facing the issues in deciding what to do next.

All four of us will report on how we are facilitating virtual workshops by building on our experience of decision conferences. Larry will begin by illustrating a face-to-face decision conference using a case study about the benefit-safety balance of pain-killer drugs. Over two days, a group of experts identified and structured eleven criteria representing the benefits and risks of taking the drugs, assessed probabilities and preference values of the drugs’ effects, judged swing-weights associated with the criteria, and explored the results, including sensitivity analyses that deal with imprecision in the data and differences of opinion about the inputs.

Patrick, Paul, and Edward will then show how they are developing decision conferencing processes that consist of several shorter virtual meetings over several days, weeks or months. These effectively achieve the goals of a single decision conference: a shared understanding of the issues (though not necessarily consensus), a sense of common purpose (while preserving individual differences of opinion) and a commitment to the way forward (though accepting participants’ differences in the paths). In short, everyone pulling in the same direction. A final period of questions and answers will conclude the Webinar.

Click on the file below to hear a sample of the presentation.  

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SDP membership is NOT required for access to this webinar.

Keywords: framing and structuring framestruc, alternatives generation altgen, multi objective multobj, swing weight swingwt, soft skills and Facilitation ssfacil

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