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The Value and Danger of "Story” in Getting to Commitment to Action

Presenter: Elayne Ko, Pfizer and Charles Persinger, Eli Lilly

Presented at the 2017 DAAG Conference in New Orleans, Louisiana.  In Session 3: Facilitation and Collaboration

Abstract: At times, clarity and robustness of analysis does not translate to commitment to action; needless to say, the underlying reasons can be numerous and wide-ranging. This presentation explores the potential value of integrating "story” to augment Decision Analysis tools to facilitate the process towards commitment to action; in addition, the presentation highlights the potential dangers "story” can pose to the ability to achieve overall decision quality. The presenters will include their observations, illustrative examples and approaches as decision analysis practitioners at two different pharmaceutical companies and they also seek to engage the Decision Analysis community as they further explore this topic.
Keywords: Raiffa-Howard award raifhow, implementation of DA implda, organizational capability orgcap

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