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Large Data Center Location Decisions

Gregory Parnell, Research Professor, University of Arkansas
November 15, 2017 (SDP Webinar Invited Talk)

At the end of the fiscal year, a government organization used its unobligated funds to order servers. When the servers began arriving there were no data centers available in the organization with the power, cooling, and floor space to house them. This presentation provides the story of how decision analysis was used to identify the problems and develop a decision analysis methodology that was used five times by government agencies to determine the best location for their next data centers.

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Keywords: framing and structuring framestruc, Framing Tools and Methods framtool, Objectives hierarchy objhier, Decision hierarchy dechier, Strategy Table strattab, Alternatives generation altgen, Analysis and Modeling anamod, Multiobjective multobj, Swing weights swingwt

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