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Fueling the Adoption of DQ

Carl Spetzler, Jennifer Meyer - Strategic Decisions Group
March 30, 2016 (SDP Sponsor Webinar)

For decision professionals who wish to spread DQ within organizations, one of the biggest challenges is engaging decision makers. SDP’s Raiffa-Howard award and the SDP webinar series provide some helpful resources, but more is needed. In this webinar hosted by SDP sponsor organization Strategic Decisions Group, we explore three specific challenges to engaging decision makers, and tools to address them.
1. How can you help a decision maker evaluate the organization’s current decision-making capability? We will demonstrate an interactive self-assessment instrument to gauge an organization’s status on the journey to DQ.
2. What can you offer a decision maker to provide a quick sense of DQ and the power it provides? We will introduce the new book, "Decision Quality: Value Creation from Better Business Decisions” (Spetzler, Winter, and Meyer, Wiley 2016).
3. How can you encourage busy decision makers and their colleagues to build an understanding and appreciation for DQ? We will describe a 10-hour online program "Decision Quality for Leaders,” using recorded videos and weekly one-hour coached virtual workshops.

Click on the file below to hear a sample of the presentation.  

Click here for access to the full video and pdf.

SDP membership is required for full access to this and all other archived webinars.

Keywords: organizational capability orgcap, organizational structure, raiffa-howard raifhow, decision quality decqual, da adoption adoptda, ODQ, culture cultr, training, coaching, implementation of da implda

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