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Emotions and Decision Analysis

Somik Raha, Ulu Ventures, Eyas Raddad, Eli Lilly, Elayne Ko, Pfizer
August 20, 2018 (SDP Webinar Invited Talk, Best of DAAG 2018)

This Webinar continues to explore and progress the topic of Emotions and DA, a presentation voted a "Best of DAAG" at the April 2018 conference. The Webinar recaps key learnings from neuroscience research and the importance of emotions in decision-making, followed by a brief talk on Evolution of Emotions and DA including an illustrative example in the context of business decision-making. The majority of time is dedicated to an interactive dialogue, led by Somik Raha, Eyas Raddad and Elayne Ko, to address questions submitted by the DA community to help decision professionals work towards better facilitation of decision opportunities and advise decision-makers in business and personal decision-making contexts.

Click on the file below to hear a sample of the presentation.  

Click here for access to the full video and pdf.

SDP membership is not required for access to this webinar.  Membership is required for access to all other archived webinars.

Keywords: emotions, framing and structuring framestruc

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