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DQ for everyday significant decisions - When DPs will not be present

Carl Spetzler, Strategic Decisions Group
June 21, 2017 (SDP Webinar Invited Talk)

Most decisions are being made without the direct support of Decision Professionals -- at least at the time that these decisions are being considered. To bring DQ to such decisions, DQ skill has to reside in the Decision Makers and/or be embedded in the processes and tools that support the Decision Makers. Taken together, these decisions are of great importance and without DQ result in an immense opportunity loss of value. We will explore how DQ is best brought to these decisions and the role of Decision Professionals as teachers, decision process and tool designers, and as change agents.

Click on the file below to hear a sample of the presentation.  

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Keywords: organizational capability orgcap, decision quality decqual, ODQ, implemetation of DA implda

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