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The Journey to Organizational Decision Quality

Presenters: Pfizer, Eli Lilly, Chevron

Presented at the 2016 DAAG Conference in Banff, Alberta, Canada.  In Session 1: Corporate and Organizational Decision Making

Abstract: This session is focused on the journey to ODQ (organizational decision quality) – i.e., the broad adoption of DQ in organizations. The highest award given by the SDP is the Raiffa-Howard award for ODQ. We will provide the opportunity to have new award recipients share their perspective, learnings, and advice. In addition, we will have a panel of examiners that will provide their insight from having served as in the evaluation process of applicants. Finally, we expect to present a self scoring instrument that will allow potential applicants to evaluate their current state of adoption along the ODQ maturity curve and identify areas for improvement. Keywords: raiffa-howard raifhow, ODQ, decision quality decqual, culture cultr, learning organization, organizational capability orgcap, da adoption adoptda, implementation of da implda

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