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Helping Decision Makers take the bold act of declaring a decision

David Matheson and Wayne Fisher
July 5, 2023 (SDP Invited Talk)

Abstract: Decision Professionals often take the existence of a "Decision” for granted, but often the most important ones are declared as an act of courage and leadership by an executive. As its first project, our innovation interest group "iigy” focused on this insight and developed a solution for it. The Decision Complexity Assessment card is a tool for helping a leader take the step of declaring a decision and building momentum for professional support in getting through it. In this highly interactive webinar, you will have a chance to learn about and then try out the Card and its User Guide.

Click on the file below to hear a sample of the presentation.  

Click here for access to the full video.

SDP membership is required for access to this webinar.

Keywords: organizational capability orgcap, culture cultr, adoption of DA adoptda, implementation of DA implda

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