Denver Chapter Workshop

When:  Nov 16, 2024 from 09:00 to 14:00 (MT)

Workshop for Denver Chapter

Optimization for Portfolio Analysis and Management

Tony Kenck, President of the Denver Chapter of SDP, has been asked to give a workshop at the annual meeting of the SDP in March 2025. The topic will be Optimization for Strategic Portfolio Analysis and Management. The workshop will be primarily hands-on, with the attendees learning to use Solver in Excel, then moving to What'sBest! from Lindo Systems.

Because he has yet to give this workshop, he will offer it to anyone who wants to attend at the Beck Venture Center, 1700 Washington St, Golden, CO 80401, on Saturday, November 16, from 9 AM to 2 PM (Room TBD). There will be no charge for the class; lunch will be provided. There is a requirement to give feedback on the class.

Attendance is limited, so your early expression of interest is appreciated.

Workshop Agenda

The portfolio optimization workshop is designed for people who have good Excel skills but little experience with portfolio management or using optimization tools.

Attendees will learn:

  1. Decision Quality Basics
  2. Important framing questions to ask for portfolio analysis
  3. The range of analysis methods and how to determine which is best for the problem
  4. Running Excel Solver for simple portfolio cases
  5. How to use an advanced linear optimization tool pre-loaded with data using What'sBest! From Lindo
  6. Demos of Comparing Portfolio Outcomes Graphically and Stochastic Optimization

Attendees must have a computer with Excel and a free version of What'sBest! with a provisional license (provided by instructor). Download link for What'sBest version 19.

Please note: If you are using a company computer, it may be difficult to obtain organizational permission to load What'sBest. It may be best to use a personal device. 

Tony will send a verification email and a simple model before the class to ensure correct installation.

Attendees may retain a copy of the optimization models used in class.

If you have any questions, comments, or concerns, please contact Tony Kenck at 925-895-7337 or


Beck Venture Center (Room TBD)
1700 Washington St,
Golden, CO 80401