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From Controversy to Consensus: California's Offshore Oil Platforms

Max Henrion, Lumina Decision Systems
April 29, 2015 (SDP Webinar - Invited Talk)

Like many issues of energy and environment, there has been dispute about how to decommission California's 27 offshore oil platforms. Understand the decision analysis that provided stakeholders with insights to help form consensus for a rigs to reefs option.

Click here for access to the video and pdf.

Co-sponsored with the Stanford Center for Professional Development, this webinar does not require member login.

Keywords: framing framestruc, evaluation anamod, multi-objective multobj, modeling modtree, influence diagram infldiag, Monte Carlo simulation mcsim, stakeholders, environmental, swing weights swingwt, tornado chart torncht, uncertainty analysis uncanal, public policy, societal decisions socdec, sensitivity analysis sensanal

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