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Multi Criteria Decision Analysis (MCDA) in healthcare: Current applications and ongoing challenges

Kevin Marsh, Evidera
August 24, 2017 (SDP Webinar Invited Talk)

Healthcare decision makers have recently show interest in the use of MCDA to support approval and reimbursement decisions. More conventionally used to support prioritization of investments, either within life sciences companies or healthcare providers, the application of MCDA to value individual technologies has raised a number of challenges. This webinar will provide a brief introduction to MCDA, and illustrate these recent trends in its application in healthcare and how these are seen as a way to overcome limitations in existing approaches, such as qualitative or semi-quantitative benefit-risk assessment, and cost-utility analysis. The majority of the webinar will focus on illustrating and identifying potential solutions to the challenges posed by these uses of MCDA, including: the need for non-additive aggregation functions in reimbursement decisions; eliciting weights from patients who might struggle with clinical data; incorporating cost and uncertainty into the analysis; the choice of weight elicitation technique; and regulators concerns about the validity of MCDA. The webinar will conclude with a summary of ongoing initiatives to address these challenges.

Click on the file below to hear a sample of the presentation.  

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Keywords: multi-objective multobj, swing weights swingwt, healthcare, reimbursement, medical decisions meddec

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