Ralph Morales III, formerly of HP, now Head of Innovation, SmartOrg Inc.
August 12, 2020 (Invited Talk, SDP Sponsor SmartOrg)
Abstract: In his former role as Innovation Director for IoT at HP, Ralph was challenged to bring executives to good decisions about speculative innovations. He had to push the envelope of relevance to offer uncertain growth in area of rich opportunity that competed with "known” returns from the core business. Finance executives scrutinized the risk and return, challenging his credibility. Through three vignettes, Ralph will share his journey adapting Decision Analysis ideas to communicate uncertainty and progress to stakeholders. The result: a mash up of Lean Startup and Real Options that bridges the wild world of innovation with financial conservatism to accelerate innovation outcomes and improve the decision making of the executive investors.
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Keywords: framing and structuring framestruc, soft skills and facilitation ssfacil, decision quality decqual, innovation decqual