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Nassim Taleb’s Black Swan and Decision Analysis
Presented by Jack Kloeber (Kromite) at 2010 DAAG Conference in Orlando. Discussion of Black Swan phenomena and how to incorporate into Decision Analysis.

Improving the process of balancing benefits and risks in approving drugs
Presented by Lawrence D. Phillips (London School of Economics and Political Science) at 2010 DAAG Conference in Orlando. Discussion of benefit risk methods in drug development, and example applied to H1N1 flu vaccine.

Quantitative benefit-risk assessment: An analytical framework for a shared understanding of the effects of medicines
Presented by Patrick Ryan (GlaxoSmithKline) at 2010 DAAG Conference in Orlando. Discussion of benefit risk methods in GlaxoSmithKline.

A Pilot Risk Analysis Study for an IBM Services Delivery Location
Presented by Bonnie Ray and Debarun Bhattacharjya (IBM) at 2010 DAAG Conference in Orlando. Discussion of pilot study to quantitatively assess risks and potential impacts on IBM Services Delivery resources located in India to drive improved long term resource planning.

Decision Analysis for New Atherosclerosis Drug: Assessing Consistent Probabilities of Success for Drug Development Decision Analysis
Presented by Dave Swank (BristolMyersSquibb) at 2010 DAAG Conference in Orlando. Discussion of probability assessment and the use of sensitivity analysis to look for robustness in assessments.

Impact of Manufacturing Strategy On Portfolio Prioritization
Presented by Jerry Ruhland (Baxter) at 2010 DAAG Conference in Orlando. Example of incorporating analysis of manufacturing strategies into portfolio process.

The Joint Improvised Explosive Device Defeat Organization (JIEDDO) Proposal Value Model
Presented by Jeff Weir, Ken Bauer, Shane Knighton (Air Force) at 2009 DAAG Conference in Indianapolis. Multi-criteria decision analytic methods applied to selection of methods to defeat improvised explosive devices.

Quantitative Benefit-Risk
Presented by James Felli (Eli Lilly) at 2009 DAAG Conference in Indianapolis. Discussion of Lilly's quantitative benefit-risk model based on multi-criteria decision analytic methods.

Using Decision Analysis to Improve Efficiency
Presented by Steve Uhl (Macway Uhl) at 2009 DAAG Conference in Indianapolis. Examples of using DA in project execution, applied to project scheduling issues.

Intelligent Adversary Risk Analysis: Defender-Attacker-Defender Probabilistic Risk Analysis Models
Presented by Greg Parnell (Innovative Decisions) with Chris Smith and Fred Moxley (US Military Academy) at 2009 DAAG Conference in Indianapolis. Description of fundamental structure of intelligent adversary risk analysis using probabilistic risk analysis and demonstration that decision trees can model the defender-attacker-defender structure.

Using Decision Analysis to Select Strategic Partners
Presented by Hal Wilson (Department of Defense) at 2009 DAAG Conference in Indianapolis. Example of multi-objective decision analysis applied to selecting the best foreign partners to help fulfill a capability gap, accounting for the benefit of establishing a partnership and the risk of losing capabilities.

Prioritizing Terrorism Vulnerability Analyses for Critical Infrastructure Sectors
Presented by Don N. Kleinmuntz (Strata Decision Technology) and Henry Willis (RAND) at 2009 DAAG Conference in Indianapolis. Portfolio and risk assessment methods applied to prioritizing infrastructure sectors by vulnerability to terrorism.

Using Decision Analysis with the Operational Air Force
Presented by Stephen Chambal and Jeffrey Cochran (Air Force) at 2009 DAAG Conference in Indianapolis. Several examples of how Value Focused Thinking is used within the Air Force and other Department of Defense entities.

Following a Lead: Analysis of in-licensing a follow-on oncology compound
Presented by Ajoy Chakrabarti (BristolMyersSquibb) at 2006 DAAG Conference in Baltimore. Discussion of a decision analysis applied to drug licensing problem.

Metaphor Mapping
Presented by James Felli (Eli Lilly) at 2006 DAAG Conference in Baltimore. Discussion of the issues with analyzing and communication multi-dimensional data and results, and use of metaphors to simplify into manageable forms.

Risk Analysis and Major Project Miscommunications
Presented by Paul McNutt (ConocoPhillips) at 2006 DAAG Conference in Baltimore. Discussion of communication problems that exist in many organizations that impact project implementation and value, and how to reduce those problems.

Using Monte Carlo Simulations in Multi-Attribute Decision Analysis
Presented by George Huhn (Data Machines) at 2006 DAAG Conference in Baltimore. Application of Monte Carlo simulation to explore uncertainty in attribute weights and choice values.

Factored stochastic tree modeling for medical decision making
Presented by Gordon Hazen (Northwestern University) at 2005 DAAG Conference in Philadelphia. Example using stochastic trees - decision trees with stochastic nodes - applied to a drug problem.

How to win friends and influence deal terms
Presented by Ajoy Chakrabarti (BristolMyersSquibb) at 2005 DAAG Conference in Philadelphia. Discussion of licensing problem for an oncology drug.

Modeling the global latent therapeutic demand for hemophilia A
Presented by Jeff Stonebreaker (GlaxoSmithKline) and Donald Keefer (Arizona State University) at 2005 DAAG Conference in Philadelphia. Shows model based on probability-encoding principles and discrete approximation techniques to estimate global latent therapeutic demand for hemophilia A using population-based epidemiology and treatment modalities.

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